Thursday, February 05, 2009

Michael Phelps Takes a Hit, Literally.

So in recent news, that may be old news by now, Michael Phelps was photographed taking a hit from a bong and may be charged. When I heard this I had mixed feelings about it. Then, I was listening to guys debate the issue on talk radio, and realized that I was severely torn on the issue.

I obviously believe that what he did was illegal; he broke a law. That is not what I am debating in my head; however, it's almost a social norm to do drugs. I not saying everyone does drugs, by any means, but that I know more people who have than I do who haven't. I also understand that he is a record-breaking Olympian and a a public figure. But where is the line drawn with regards to the law. Is it because he's a public figure that a precedent has to be set, and we have to come down on him so harshly? What I'm getting at with the question is another question: What if we were to do the same for every person who is on the web in a photograph taking hits or admitting drug use?

I get that ignorant people will be able to, in their minds, justify drug use in the terms "well, if Michael Phelps can do it and still get away with winning eight medals..." But, the key word in that statement is 'ignorant'. As a less ignorant person, I am not going to turn around and tell myself that I'd be able to do drugs because someone as great as MP can. It's my choice to be rational. It's my choice not to do drugs. Having said all of this, I don't not think he should be penalized whether it's lawfully or being dropped from his sponsers.

Now, why would he do such a thing when he is, essentially, on top of the world? I think one of the guys on talk radio made a good point: he said that Phelps was a "loner" or "shy guy" in youth. He didn't have social skills. He was probably training most of his free time. So now that he has a social life, he's making up for lost time. He made the example of someone who is straight arrow through high school then fails out of college because he's realized what he's been missing.

I guess I've come to the conclusion that just because I can justify it, doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished. Some community service should be good. As for his sponsers, I have no idea. They almost have to drop him. Let it blow over, and then pick him up again later down the road.

On another note, what's up with prominent figures taking responsibility lately: Obama admitting a f' up and now Phelps. Jeez, what's this world coming to? And why are we, as a whole, willing to accept wrongdoings more readily when someone admits to them?